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  • Writer's picturetcohen14

Nate's Covid Statement

March 12, 2020

To our valued customers:

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 (coronavirus) as a global pandemic. Our

Management Team has been carefully monitoring local, national, and global developments and wanted to share the

steps we are taking to prepare for what is likely to be an inevitable, if variable, impact on our industry. We are aware the

Coronavirus situation continues to evolve in the US and across the globe as this outbreak continues to expand.

Last week, in preparation for potential disruptions this may cause, we convened our Crisis Management Team to discuss

mitigation strategies. Of primary concern was the safety and well-being of our staff. Staff meetings were held to discuss

the situation, steps staff can take at home to prevent becoming ill, and the Company’s sick leave options.

Effective immediately, staff members must take the following precautions:

• Stay home if they have respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath) and/or a temperature

above 100.4 F. Further, employees are instructed to stay home if their children or spouse/partner show these


• Leave work if they develop these symptoms while at the workplace.

• Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Handwashing videos are displayed on various employee communication consoles.

We are continuing to actively review our mitigation strategies for business interruption caused by various potential

scenarios, including but not limited to our employees’ inability to come to work, the potential repercussions of supply

chain disruption and what possible steps we can take to ensure a secure and safe supply chain in the face of such

developments. We are working directly with our suppliers to ensure they are reviewing their respective crisis plans, and

ensuring they are taking the necessary steps in planning and executing proactive strategies.

At the current time, business is operating as usual. However, we will be increasing our communication with you as

needed, to ensure that you are always up to date on any developments or changes we are implementing to protect and

continue the excellent service you expect from us.

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